Monday, June 15, 2009

Water transfer problem with a toilet.

A water transfer problem with a toilet is often times confused with a clogged toilet. When you flush the toilet the water just swirls, then slowly drains out. There is a very simple procedure that you can do to determine if your toilet is clogged or it has a water transfer problem. First of all, water transfer is what makes a toilet work, the water transfers from the tank to the bowl and flushes it out. This procedure will bypass the tank, just fill a bucket full of water and dump it straight into the bowl. If the toilet flushes you, have a water transfer problem, if it does not flush you have a clog or a blockage. A water transfer problem can be caused by either low water level in the tank, or mineral buildup in the main jet and jets under the rim. You can adjust the float on the ballcock to allow for more water in the tank. You may need a screwdriver to clean out the main jet. a wire coat hanger works good to clean the jets under the rim. Hope this helps with diagnosing toilet problems. I will get into clogs and blockages in other posts so stay tuned.

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