Friday, July 3, 2009

Parking lot catch basins

Street side storm drain, Dryden Ontario.Image via Wikipedia

If you own or manage a commercial property with a parking lot you will eventually have problems with parking lot catch basins. Catch basins are an opening into the storm drainage system that includes a grate at the parking lot level, an outlet pipe and a sump area at the bottom of the basin. The outlet pipe should be above the sump area to allow debris and heavy sediment to collect in the sump and not enter the outlet pipe. Some catch are equipped with a hooded outlet to prevent trash or other floatable materials from entering the outlet pipe. Parking lot catch basins need to be maintained, if not the debris, sediment and trash will build up over a period of time and not allow the storm water to drain through the outlet pipe causing the parking lot to flood. A flooded parking lot would require a Vac Truck to be hired to vac off water and remove debris from catch basin. These trucks normally run from $175.00 to $225.00 per hour. Typical maintenance for a catch basin is done by simply removing the grate and cleaning out the sump with a shovel or bucket. This should be done at least twice a year.
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