Thursday, July 2, 2009

Grease trap maintenance for FOG

This post is mostly for the restaurant owners and managers out there. A major cause of sewer blockages across the United States is the accumulation of fats, oil, and grease (FOG) in the sanitary sewers. Many sewer districts across the U. S. have implemented a FOG control program. A major part of that program is grease trap maintenance. Grease traps or grease interceptors are installed outside of the restaurant and are underground with only the lid exposed for maintenance. These grease traps allow for the separation of FOG so it does not enter the sewer system. Grease traps only work when properly maintained, so proper grease trap maintenance is to have it pumped out and cleaned by a licensed grease hauler. Most grease haulers offer discounts on pumping if you sign up for their grease trap maintenance program. Penalties for non compliance of an implemented FOG control program range from fines to having your water shut off. It is extremely cheaper to set up a grease trap maintenance program with a grease hauler then to be in non compliance of a FOG control program.
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1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    A grease trap is also called a grease interceptor. The grease trap acts as a filter to remove fats and oils from water before it enters the municipal waste system. The use of a grease trap ensures that the sewer system run smoothly. Thank you...

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